Veal and pork can be ordered by the side or whole.
Chickens and turkeys are available whole.


Landrace/Yorkshire (F1) - Duroc: $90 each (subject to change)
(Order or inquire shapiroe(at)

veal and Pork

Veal: approx. 150 lb per side @ $4.00/lb
(Order 4 to 6 months ahead)

Pork: approx. 90 lb per side @ $4.00/lb
(Order in the fall for spring pork - call for availability)

Chicken and Turkey

Chicken: 4-9 lb @ $3.50/lb
(Order now for the fall)

Ten Chickens for $200
(Order now for November 2017 and again in the spring)

Turkey: 10-20 lb @ $3.50/lb
(Order now for Thanksgiving & Christmas)

Prices as of August 2017.  All prices subject to change depending on market and feed prices.

We're setting up an online store!
For now please contact us by phone or email to order.