Veal and pork can be ordered by the side or whole.
Chickens and turkeys are available whole.
Landrace/Yorkshire (F1) - Duroc: $90 each (subject to change)
(Order or inquire shapiroe(at)
veal and Pork
Veal: approx. 150 lb per side @ $4.00/lb
(Order 4 to 6 months ahead)
Pork: approx. 90 lb per side @ $4.00/lb
(Order in the fall for spring pork - call for availability)
Chicken and Turkey
Chicken: 4-9 lb @ $3.50/lb
(Order now for the fall)
Ten Chickens for $200
(Order now for November 2017 and again in the spring)
Turkey: 10-20 lb @ $3.50/lb
(Order now for Thanksgiving & Christmas)
Prices as of August 2017. All prices subject to change depending on market and feed prices.